RJ is an amazing tool for you the hair care professional dealing with Afro hair, because it can help in so many ways and in so many tasks in the daily routine. African American salons have used the RJ Method over 10 years to solve the tremendous problems existing in Afro hair. We will give you a glimpse of how RJ can benefit you and your clients.
The number one concern is and has been the breakage of the hair, which has prevented people to really grow their hair to a length they would want to. As already mentioned in the general part of this info package RJ will instantaneously stop the hair from breaking, crumbling and thus enable the person to grow his/her hair despite the fact that this same hair has grown to a certain length and then broken off. The weakness in the Afro hair lies in the s curve which makes it vulnerable, when harsh chemicals as well as hot pressing combs are used on it. You have certainly taken the Hair Test for yourself or one of your patrons, so you should know in detail what RJ does health wise to the hair. Therefore in the following we will go into some of the most common services available to your customers in your salon.
RJ in a relaxed hair:
The things that are about to be revealed to you might perhaps sound totally unbelievable, but remember these have been proven true in daily work of numerous African American salons. Since relaxers are very harsh chemicals and therefore damage and even destroy hair, they so often cause the hair to break. This stops immediately! Relaxers also make the hair very stubborn, but when RJ is applied the hair becomes so obedient that when roller setting it no setting lotions are needed just plain water and what's amazing this set will last to the next hair wash. No more sleeping over night with rollers on! Many times you hear that use curling irons on a relaxed hair is forbidden, now you can use them with confidence. It is now also possible to get more clients through in your shop, since the time spent under the dryer is cut to one third compared to time before RJ.
RJ and a curly perm:
When RJ is used with a curly perm, there are two things that will be different compared to before. RJ makes the curl so versatile that the person can change her hair style at will from curl to a roller set and back. Normally if you try to roller set a curly perm the hair gets so dry that after a day or so she would have to go back to the curl. With RJ the hair stays soft and nice till the next hair wash. To revert back to a curl is as easy as just wetting the hair and the curl comes back. This is possible, because RJ makes the activators and moisturizers obsolete. Often people get tired of their curly perm and would like to have a straight hair. But as a professional you know that if you try to relax the curly permed hair it just breaks off. But with RJ this is possible, just apply the RJ 2 weeks prior to relaxing and you'll find no breakage.
RJ in a virgin hair [ hair without any chemicals]:
It is here that the unbelievable obedience of RJ comes into play. You know the normal routine: first the hair is pressed with a pressing comb so that it is straight and a hot curling or Marcel iron is used to set and style the hair. Now you will see miracle happen before your eyes, when this virgin, kinky and curly, hair has transformed to so obedient and manageable that you can just roll it with rollers, use either a regular low heat curling or Marcel iron to set it without any prior pressing. RJ is, however, not a relaxer so it will not straighten the hair, therefore when the hair is washed the next time it will revert back to being curly, but what RJ has changed is the obedience of hair so when the hair set again after the hair wash no pressing is necessary. This is a great way for people, who are allergic to chemicals, to have an easy to maintain hair.
Find out what RJ Rebuilder can do to your hair: Take the free Hair Test!
To see the unbelievable before and after results RJ gives to a severely damaged and chemically relaxed hair, which has been further abused with bleach, colors, highlights.
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