Usually the Asian hair is considered to be very strong and healthy, but often also very stubborn and unmanageable. So many people only have their hair cut without any further maintenance and often it grows very flat against the scalp. The hair bunches almost always, so it looks greasy even though it is clean. When it is set, the set does not last more than an hour or two. The hair has a tendency to straighten itself so for most of the time it is unruly straight and it does not matter what method of setting has been used.

For you as a hair care professional for Asian hair a new era has come! You have certainly taken our Hair Test and read the general information provided to in these for professionals only pages so you have some knowledge of RJ. Your clientele will benefit in so many ways, when you start offering this service to them. We will give you the facts, how the Asian hair changes for the better with RJ in the following.

RJ makes the Asian hair so manageable and obedient, that you can set the hair with the rollers, curling iron, hot rollers, and blow dryer. This set will last . Remember no setting, blow dry lotions are not needed, because they are built into the hair with RJ. It gives the movement that usually lacks from the Asian hair and frees it from its natural stubbornness and inflexibility. RJ also separates each strand from each other, so there are no big bunches of hair as glued to each other. Usually one of the first things your patrons will notice is the incredible lightness RJ gives, the hair does not weigh a ton any more. Even the coarsest hair will turn smooth and silky, so when you touch it you will not believe the feeling. The shine, RJ gives to the hair is a deep natural sheen, is hard to describe. If the hair is oily RJ will help so it does not have to be washed every day, it can be done less often.

RJ makes it possible for your patrons wear different types of style cuts instead of just a regular blunt cut. This is possible through the unique way RJ has changed the basic structure of the hair and therefore the actual scissor or cut marks do not show in the final result. Since RJ at the same time gives the hair an unbelievable lift, so it does not lie flat on the scalp. These and other things that RJ does combined together give the hair a fantastic new look.

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See how RJ transforms a very stubborn, unmanageable and flat hair into unbelievably pliable and obedient hair, just a wash and wear hair!

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