As you probably have noticed, when taking the Hair Test, that RJ is very diversified, because it solves all the hair problems, whatever you can imagine. There is no other product or system in the whole world which does the same as RJ.

The Hair test has shown you that there are two main groups of hair problems:

1. we all are born with in other words natural [too fine, too stubborn too curly, etc.]

and those related to

2. the health of the hair in other words, when hair becomes sick [ breaking, splitting, frizzing, crumbling etc.]

For each of these groups we have a different medicine and in the following we will give you a few every day examples, what RJ does in these cases.

Let's first discuss hair problems related to the hair's health. The symptoms for a sick hair are at different stages starting when the hair gets first dry, then porous, brittle, and finally gradually it breaks. At its worst it is crumpling into small bits and pieces. With just one RJ application we can stop all these. As a hair care professional you are familiar with what causes these problems: chemicals, appliances, sun and salt water etc. You know how destroyed a highly bleached hair or a hair with a double chemical is, it has all those symptoms mentioned above, it loses the elasticity and feels like straw , not like hair any more at all, and you would most certainly not recommend a perm on top of it.

Now try to picture yourself having this hair healed to healthy, lively, and vibrant, which does not even look like it has been bleached or abused with the chemicals at all, and when you run your fingers through RJ treated hair, it feels like normal healthy hair, it even gets its elasticity back instantaneously, not dry , no porosity, no breaking any more. And the best of all you can perm it to give the client a natural looking curl. ALL IT TAKES, IS ONE RJ. It even prevents a blond hair from becoming green, when swimming in chlorinated pool.

Next let's see what RJ does to all those natural problems that are so plentiful. The main reason, why people are usually so frustrated with their hair, is that it wants to go its own way and not the way it is supposed to. This means that it is very stubborn and does not obey nor keep the set. The hair can be bone straight and grows like the hair on a porcupine, or naturally curly and usually grows the wrong way from inside out. In these cases RJ makes the hair obedient so it can be just combed into place, makes it wash & wear. It gives to limp, flat and fine hair incredible stamina [to hold the sets and syles], fullness, volume,lift and body.

Sometimes especially with older people the hair starts thinning and it gets sparse, RJ will make the thinning hair much fuller, because it has the tendency to separate each individual strand from each other, so the hair covers the scalp better. Therefore it is very good when hair is bunched as it is in many cases with natural curls. RJ stops the hair from splitting, which is a major problem with almost all people.

When the hair has the RJ, whatever way it is set with rollers, styled with a blow dryer, curling iron etc., it will last longer and remember without any setting or blow dry lotions, even if the hair is really stubborn or very limp.

Find out what RJ Rebuilder can do to your hair: Take the free Hair Test now!

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