Generally speaking the Latin hair is strong and thick and it is usually thought to be good hair with not too many problems. As we all know this isn't so! But as we have learned during our decades of dealing with hair problems, that every person has a very subjective view of what would be a hair she or he would definitely like to have.

So many times as you know ladies want change the color of their hair, often to blond and when strong chemicals such as bleach are used, it destroys the hair so even a strong hair like this will eventually start to break. The normal advice would be: let's cut it and stop bleaching your hair. NOT ANY MORE! RJ will stop the hair from breaking immediately after the first application. This one RJ will withstand several chemicals, because they cannot remove it. RJ also prevents the hair from breaking in the future as long as the person has it done to her hair three times a year. You can even perm the bleached hair and have a nice curl in a healthy hair. When the hair is RJ healthy, it means that the color or the curl that is done to it will look as they were the natural color and curl of that person.

A big group of ladies are those who have split ends. For these people this is a huge problem, because they often want to grow their hair longer. For the hairdresser it's not a big problem, since all that is needed is few sweeps with scissors and all the split ends are on the floor. When the hair grows to a certain length it starts splitting and when they are set, the style usually doesn't look nice at all, it looks frizzy. But once RJ is applied the hair will not split anymore and everyone can grow their hair to the length they really want.

This type of strong hair is often also very unmanageable, which many times makes it hard to maintain. When it is set, the set will not last more than a day, sometimes even less and then goes its own way. But once RJ has been applied to this stubborn and unyielding hair, it becomes immediately so obedient that it can be even rolled dry and still get a fantastic and long lasting set.

For a man with a stubborn hair, RJ will be a tremendous relief in hair maintenance, especially if they do some sports and after hitting showers they usually have to blow dry their hair and use all kinds of lotions and still lose the hold in a few hours. RJ makes it totally unnecessary to carry with a blow dryer or any lotions, because the hair will be just "wash & wear" all that is needed a comb. Also any cowlicks in the hair will lose their power and disappear among the rest of the hair. If person's, male or female, hair feels too rough and hard, RJ makes this hair feel smooth and silky.

Find out what RJ Rebuilder can do to your hair: Take the free Hair Test now!


See how RJ transforms a very stubborn, unmanageable and flat hair into unbelievably pliable and obedient hair, just a wash and wear hair!

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