RJ rejuvenates bleached hair!
  When hair is bleached or colored lighter, usually then there are some basic elements removed from the hair. The result of this is that the condition and overall health of the hair deteriorates. This causes the symptoms of a “sick” hair starting to show as lack of shine, dryness, tangling, frizziness, splitting, breakage and even crumbling of the hair. As the hair breaks and crumbles, this will prevent the hair from growing. As you have seen in so many cases a bleached hair is never really long, usually quite short.
When the hair has been on top of the bleach relaxed or permed, it is almost sure that it is breaking and crumbling, and the health of hair is beyond repair with usual means.
The advice given to a person with an unhealthy and “sick” as above usually is:  “stop using the chemicals and go natural” Now comes RJ Method to the rescue.
How is it possible for RJ to perform such a miracle?  What miracle? RJ stops the breaking and crumbling immediately. You can try to break it by pulling the hair as hard as you can. Comb or brush it as vigorously as you can. There is absolutely no breakage nor crumbling any more. From this moment the hair will grow to any length you desire.
        Can this be true? Yes, as mentioned above, when the hair is bleached, relaxed or otherwise chemically abused, this process strips the hair from its natural building blocs, thus causing the severe damages. RJ is not just one product, but a combination of several products and therefore it is a method to make the hair thoroughly healthy. The RJ "Medicine" is actually liquid hair and adds to the hair the actual missing building blocs, always adding just those elements that are missing and removed by harsh chemicals. So the hair is once again healthy with a vibrant color. Actually bleached hair after RJ feels and looks like natural blond hair! Nobody can believe, that it has been bleached.
 RJ never coats the hair nor forms a layer as all conditioners on the surface of the hair. RJ does its work in the cortex of the hair.
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